Friday, October 29, 2010

The big guy is not really a fan of heights.
I was praying, earnestly, fervently. The big gal is not a fan of heights involving most bestest loved one.
Job complete furnace flue in place. Thanks honey. Gideon and I were gonna catch you or die trying : )
I'll just hide right here.
Who me? I wasnt gonna eat them. I was just gonna taste um.
These are not really mushrooms. If you touch them they turn all black.

Sarah said " We really have big mushrooms here"
I read that these are true wild flowers. Corpse flowers. Lovely and fitting my current mood. joke

Sunday, October 17, 2010

This is the alpaca and some roving that was dyed with the poke berries. They color was really nice and I dyed some sheep roving that I had as well. I would really like to try the kool aide dyes. This was fun though because it was natural. I used cream of tarter and vinegar to get it to fix. See Zen if we lived closer what fun we could have : ) Love ya!

The alpaca being dyed with poke berry juice. Poke berries are all over our top field because the horses wont eat them. Smart horses ~ I read they are poison.

This is some alpaca wool that Janets uncle in Peru made in a little factory on the side of his house. He sent it to me along with a huge hank of dyed grey. I am so blessed.