So tonight we will sleep with the snow once again. Its spring here. Last week the children wanted to put up the kidde pool. Well anyway...we like snow, mostly. We have been up to new and fun crafting. Sarahnina made the little elf hat on the baby. I made the mouse booties. Friends made the baby....haha with the Lords help. The dollie is for the babies older sister. She is fourteen months older. It was really lame of me not to give it to her first. She didnt mind a bit. She let me hold her and laughed with me over the silly mouse booties on the baby. She is such a doll herself. I will bring it to her sunday. If it doesnt snow. Which of course it probably will. The pink knitting is silk. I have always wanted to make something in silk. I thought about getting silk worms. Nevermind : ) Worms make that? The other elfie hat and shoes is for Mr. Gerard the Third, or as I have been calling him G3 . Come on boy, Grannies waiting. My first grandson should be here with the nicer weather. I have taken up spinning. It is very fun. Relaxing, as well as reflective. Spin, Spin, Spin, around, around, around, soothing. Spin away the winter troubles. There were plenty to spin away, too! Oh well, who can be sad with spring shoes like that. Dont they make you just want to dance in the garden? Soon, little flower shoes, soon.