Tuesday, November 29, 2011

 We went ice skating as a reward for all the extra help everyone put in to help with last months medical stuff.
 We went to the local rink. I was a little nervous because when I took them ice skating when they were smaller, they were like top heavy or something ( they say big brained) but they all ended up whacking the back of their heads on the ice....ouch....I mean they got on the ice and all did the exact same thing. Fell flat on their backs and whacked their heads.
 Im happy to say their brains must have shrunk, they all stayed upright most of the time.
 We had a blast!
 They had these cones to help them balance. They just skated around with one or two cones. It made a huge difference.
 They got the hang of it pretty quickly.
 Smiles all around.
 I even gave it a try. As you can see we were alone. Not one other person there. Well, except this weird man who kept coming in and sniffing the air. It was really weird. He wanted to know if I sprayed cleaner in the skates. I was like??????No, I dont usually bring cleaners with us. Haha mental note: its not a half bad idea....you know rental skates and all that ; ) 
And the best part about being alone was there could not be any picture avoiders for the day! The music was even nice. When we went when they were little, they were playing AC/DC so I complained about coming to the early morning skate on purpose and really not wanting to listen to AC/DC so they were kind enough to change it to,  running with the devil by Van Halen.....niiiiiiice  Well we were so happy with the music and the new owners even gave a half price to Home Schoolers ( Her grandchildren are all home schooled in Canada) So maybe we can try it again : ) fun fun fun ( we do wish our California cousins could have been there!)

Monday, November 28, 2011

 The family.....being thankful : )  

Friday, November 25, 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011

 We went to visit Nikki and the Gerards II and III sometime last month. For the life of me I cant put a date on it. Life has been really hectic this last month. We dont get together as much as I would like, but a good time was had by all. I love that last picture of Poppy throwing GIII  up in the air. The picture avoider of the day was Caleb.  Theres always one : P  in the bunch.
Nikki and GII
and he cooks too! Home made Italian meatballs....Yummy
Grandma and the sweetie boy....he did throw himself on his head about two seconds after this picture. His father walked by with the meatballs on a tray.....the baby wasnt offered one....so he flung himself over....he has a good little appetite....and apparently it includes meatballs : )
Secret smooches
Gideon and Sarahnina
Little Paula and Sarahnina at the playground by Nikkis house.
Valerie Rose

That water was COLD.....crazy kids
Wheeeee and Whoooooopie   miss the days when mine were little