Look who is getting so tall. We took the littles and went to Lancaster Pennsylvania.
It was a long car ride. The road trip is beautiful the whole way. Three hours of farmland and very little highway. Mostly rural the whole way. I hope to go again soon just to visit and relax.
The daily avoider.
The Driver, doing what he does best.
This is the Sight and Sound Theater in Lancaster. We saw Moses. It was really fun. Its like Imax meets Broadway at church.
The most beautiful Amish farms. It was the first nice day in a long while. Their snow had melted as they are three hours south of us. We saw people turning over their gardens. The horse and buggy community was out in full force. Those people amaze me with their faith. Riding around cars and trucks in horse and carriage.
This is us yesterday. We still have spots of snow. Thankfully the soil in my containers is almost all melted . Its been fun measuring the frozen ground each day. My soil on the ground is about four to five inches thawed.
This was unpassable for much of the winter this year. We are so thankful that we still have roofs . Alot of people had there roofs come down as a result of the relentless heavy snows this year.
Mr. Sonny and Miss Fire enjoyed a sunny afternoon nap. Soon the trees will have leaves again.
Fiona and Sarah enjoyed the afternoon sun as well.
Caje was all " let me come out, I will be good" HA that rougue would be off and running on a day like yesterday. He has a nice sun spot on his head though.
Well heres us old folks soaking it up too. We even moved some ancient Yucca plants.
Hope your all soaking up the sun and the Son. Blessings on you all as we near the Easter celebrations.