Tuesday, October 22, 2013

 Well we finally have a jump on the old gnome home. Isn't this building just fabulous. I can't even begin to imagine how this was made. I do know it was made before electricity. So even though we marvel at the lack of uniformity, it is actually very impressive. That it has lasted so long it what makes it special to me.
 It was made before plywood, thats for sure. The guys will be using their creative minds on this one. Kevin will every once in a while shout out " there isn't a straight line in this whole place!" I am often reminded of the nursery rhyme " there was a crooked man, he walked a crooked mile, he found a crooked sixpence, upon a crooked style, he bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse and they all lived together IN A LITTLE CROOKED HOUSE ; )  I wonder about that fellows wife. Maybe it was her, that was the cause of all the crookedness........I couldn't tell a straight line if I saw one. And I cant, you know........see one. My eyes dont work like that. Ah, the dyslexic mind is a wonderful thing.
 High in the sky with Gideon, my crooked son. haha
 Caleb was a good help from the ground up. It took a few days and he was right up there with the others. Ah, fear of heights, dealt with with.......check

 Anyway, its fun on the ground. Lots going on down here too!

 Of course this is what they would rather be up to.
 Even our little Golum cant bear to watch. Actually this is Sarah's Golum. He isnt really Golum, because he has wings on his little gargoyle back. Other than that he is precious.
 Caleb apparently closed his shop for the day........haha this made me laugh!
This was someone's special birthday meal. It was very yummy and a very good pick. To bad that someone has turned into a "picture avoider" oh well, I guess someone has to do it. Happy Birthday anyway Sarah : )

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